Spring data JPA Hibernate mapping dynamic query to List(Map) instead List POJO
Hi every one, This way i'll show you how to mapping dynamic query on hibernate to list<map> for dynamic result instead create new pojo/ dto class✋ - You can be use only hibernate or spring data jpa(including hibernate on compile dependencies) 👌 Importing framework Build tool: Grandle, spring boot 3.x.x a. Dependencies : implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa' b. Compile dependencies on spring data jpa: c. Version: id 'org.springframework.boot' version '3.0.2' Implementing 1. Create a generic repository custom public interface GenericRepoCustom { long counting ( String sql ) ; List findStrategy ( String sql , Class clazz ) ; } 2. Autowire GenericRepoCustom on service 3. Call it and passing class type List < Map > orders = genericRepo .findStrategy( strSQL , Map . class ); strSQL : work well when get one or get list 4. Create function mapping if clazz is Map.class import jakarta.pe...